Joining the staff team of Mission Training International makes good use of Steve & Suzanne’s cross-cultural experience from serving in Ghana and Vietnam. Cross-cultural ministry is difficult, and even if one goes with a strong sense of calling, and serves faithfully, returning to one’s “passport culture” (aka home) can be challenging. Steve & Suzanne know this and feel to honored to serve other cross cultural workers (CCWs) in this capacity via MTI’s Debrief and Renewal program.
GHANA (2006-2008)
Our family at Elmina Castle - 2006
When Suzanne received a Fulbright to teach at Ashesi University and conduct research surrounding the One Laptop per Child program,The Buchele family moved to Ghana for what they expected to be a one-year adventure. That overseas adventure turned into two, and when they returned to Texas, they were changed forever.
GHANA (2014 - 2018)
On the Ashesi campus in 2014
The Bucheles served at Ashesi University, located 90 minutes on bad roads north of Accra, for 4 1/2 years. Suzanne was the Associate Provost and then Provost of the university and Steve led the first-year leadership seminar team and tended to the spiritual needs of the faculty, staff, and students. They lived in and oversaw the campus guest house.
Vietnam (2019 - 2020)
We visited Hoa Lư in 2019, long after it was the capital of Vietnam from 968 to 1009.
The Bucheles served at Hanoi International Fellowship (HIF) for about a year. Steve was pastor of operations and Suzanne was interim office manager when the pandemic began. During Hanoi’s first lockdown Steve helped manage the online services, and together they helped start a new HIF congregation outside Hanoi. Between lockdowns, they ran The Marriage Course that had couples from five different continents. During their year in Hanoi, they also taught EQUP Leadership Development seminars for emerging leaders at the church.
In Spring 2020, Suzanne developed some eye issues and other health-related problems that were not successfully treated in Hanoi, so they returned to Texas for treatment. Soon after they returned, Vietnam closed its borders and canceled Steve’s religious visa. When it looked like they would not be allowed back into Vietnam until 2022 at the earliest, and in response to God nudges, they resigned their positions at HIF. That same week MTI called to invite them to restart the courtship process to become DAR facilitators.
Speaking at churches
Speaking at Rockbridge Church [view presentation]
Currently we have ten partner/supporting churches, but are also seeking more. Supporting churches join our ministry financially. We and honored to meet with the Missions committee of a church, or give a Minute for Mission during worship. Churches provide monthly or annual support to TMS-Global, our sending agency, to partner with us to help missionaries on home leave or returning from the field.
Meeting with People
We love meeting with people and sharing the journey and vision we have for walking alongside returning missionaries and helping them process their experiences in light of their identities as children of God. Each time we meet with people, we tell our story and how what God has done in our lives has equipped us to help others. We feel truly blessed to have so many friends in our support network, and are honored to pray with them and for them in addition to the work we do with MTI.