Steve & Suzanne are support-raised staff for MTI’s Debriefing & Renewal Program serving as full-time facilitators and debriefers.
Mission Training International (MTI)
Mission Training International’s vision is to see cross-cultural messengers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ experience effectiveness, endurance and personal vitality on and off the field. MTI accomplishes this through two main programs Compass (Pre-field training) and DAR (Debrief and Renewal). The Bucheles took DAR in 2008 & 2018, and Compass in 2013. They have joined the DAR Team as full-time debriefers.
Our Ministry at MTI
DAR stands for Debrief and Renewal, and is a 6-day or 10-day program for cross cultural workers (CCWs) on home leave, those retiring or otherwise returning from the mission field, or those who are processing major transitions of other kinds (life events, change of field, etc.).
In a DAR, participants have the opportunity to pause and reflect on their journey in a safe environment with facilitators who have been there. It is not counseling nor coaching but more of a guided, active listening process paired with curriculum and individual and small group activities, with 1-1 (or 1-2 for couples) dedicated time for targeted individual debriefing. Participants begin to process their transitions in a confidential environment and are often able to put both the past and future in a God-honoring perspective.
MTI currently holds 12 DAR programs a year for CCWs returning, or on home leave, from the mission field. As a couple, Steve and Suzanne facilitate small groups during these DAR programs, and individually debrief couples and individuals.
The MTI Boardroom for small groups
Additionally, Suzanne serves as the logistics coordinator for MTI’s Mental Health in Missions Conference, held annually in the DFW area [link].